Aerobic marathon

On the 20th of November 2014 ten students from our school took part in a regional round of a  aerobics and zumba marathon in Trenčín.

We were accompanied by our P.E. teacher Mrs. Dagmar Eliášová. The point of a marathon like this is to keep dancing the whole time, copy the moves as precisely as possible, to have a good posture and of course to look good while dancing. Participants were competing in four parts that consisted of two lessons of dance aerobics and two lessons of zumba. It was quite exhausting to dance for almost four hours, but all of us were able to make it, perhaps this is because of our previous experience from our school round in Myjava. We did what we could, but none of us proceeded to the national round. Surpisingly, out of the first ten people who won, most of them from Trenčín, will go on to the national round that will take place in Banská Bystrica next year. Participants that placed from 10th place to 20th are substitutes. If someone from the first 10th is not able to take part, they will take their place at the national round, from our school there are four students:

Tatiana Novomestská (4.B) - 12th place,

Ema Kuhajdová (1.B) - 15th place,

Soňa Novomestská (1.B) - 17th place,

and Janka Koláriková (3.A) - 18th place.

We were a little disappointed that we did not place better, but the important thing is that it was a great experience and we enjoyed dancing.

by Tatiana Novomestská

Year 1, Issue 1